Launch of 2017 Morris Census
Your side is invited to take part in the 2017 Morris Census, an online survey of dance sides to gather information about traditional dancing and performance in the 21st century. The survey will provide us with a wealth of knowledge, so you are encouraged to complete the survey on behalf of your side before it closes on Sunday 5th March.
Follow this link to the survey: nsus2017
The survey takes around 10-20 minutes to complete and is open to sides of morris dancers, sword dancers, mummers, and appalachian and clog steppers, in the UK and internationally. You should be able to complete it accurately without needing to consult your side. However, if you would like a printable copy to consult with your team before submitting online, here is a printable copy: Printable.
Please send the survey weblink on to any sides you know based in other countries, or who are not members of a UK organisation, as they are particularly difficult to contact.
If you have any questions about the survey, please get in touch at
The aim of the Morris Census was to collect information from all morris sides in the UK and around the world to provide a snapshot of the state of the morris in 2014. The main questions covered such topics as the number and demographics of side members, side performances, recruitment and kit.
The central objective of the overall project is to distribute the findings from the survey to the morris community and the wider public, and influence the debate about morris both within and beyond morris itself. This website presents insights gathered from the data to inform the morris organisations and individual sides about the opportunities and challenges facing the morris.
The pages are arranged to tell the story of the data:
Results | A breakdown of results for every question in the Morris Census |
Responses | How many sides responded to the Morris Census? |
Numbers | How many morris dancers are there in the UK? |
Age | How old are morris dancers in the UK? |
Gender | How many morris dancers are male and female? |
Recruitment | How many new morris dancers have been recruited recently? |
Sides | What are important aspects of morris side culture? |
Tradition | How important is tradition to morris dancers in the 21st century? |
Performances | When and where is morris performed? |
Kit | What do morris sides wear when they perform? |
Regions | How different is morris across regions of the UK? |